Friday, November 30, 2012

Busy Year

Personally it has been a busy year for me and you can see that CrochetKiosk has sat on the back burner lately. I finished my Masters degree in July and my daughter Morgan was born on November 3rd. Speaking of Morgan, she is featured in the pictures of my latest crochet custom order project. I made a gorgeous baby blanket that we have already used several times to snuggle her into her car seat. I used pink and green yarns to make a watermelon style design. If you don't care for the watermelon theme any two colors can be used. Questions, comments and orders can be placed here.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

A few weeks ago I was talking about how much I enjoy the wealth of information that can be found in Google analytics. Now that 2011 is officially over it is time to do some year to year comparative analysis. Both unique visits and percent of new visitors are up over last year.  I think it's a good sign that new people are discovering CrochetKiosk on a frequent basis.

Some other neat statistics for 2011:
-CrochetKiosk was visited from 27 different countries
-Not surprisingly most views came from the United States. Brazil came in second.
-Visits came from 46 states and the District of Columbia
  -Next year I hope to hit Alaska, Hawaii, Maine and Montana to round out all corners of the US.

It's my hope that in 2012 CrochetKiosk will continue to expand its reach to new audiences. Happy New Year!